General Terms and Conditions of Eurincasso GmbH

Eurincasso accepts due receivables in Austria and abroad for collection.

Eurincasso is entitled to retain the collection fee due to it from the first receipts.

Creditor tariff: according to “separate” agreement!

If there is no specific agreement, “Regulation / Federal Law Gazette 141/1996” applies.

Success commission will be calculated from the respective incoming payment – this of course also applies to direct payments or credit notes!

Various cash expenses will be charged separately!

Any special fee agreement shall override the above creditor tariff.

Should the involvement of a legal representative be necessary, you may incur additional costs of 10-30% (Europe) and up to 50% (North and South America, Asia, Africa, Australia), calculated from the principal – in the case of litigation, the costs may increase additionally.

Eurincasso is entitled to the collection fee (see creditor tariff) even if payments are made directly to the client, goods returns are made and/or if bill of exchange regulations take place. Furthermore, the collection fee is due if an order is cancelled without giving reasons.

If a claim is pursued in court, the client must also bear the legal and court costs incurred in the event of uncollectibility.

Direct payments received by the client must be reported immediately to Eurincasso. Intervention charges arising from failure to do so are to be paid by the client.

Eurincasso is entitled to refuse the acceptance of an order without giving reasons.

Eurincasso assumes no liability for the monitoring of limitation periods. The Client must keep track of the statute of limitations himself/herself and take timely measures to avoid a statute of limitations.

If a claim transferred for collection is at risk of becoming statute-barred within a period of 5 months from the date the order was placed, the Client undertakes to draw attention to this separately in writing.

Eurincasso is not liable for the limitation of claims.

Eurincasso assumes no liability for any vicarious agents who are not its employees. The place of jurisdiction is Salzburg.

The collection orders are subject to Austrian law.